From Kumano Kodo to Kushimoto: A travel guide to enjoy Wakayama Prefecture’s fascinating history and exquisite gourmet food.

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[Deep exploration of Wakayama Prefecture] Travel diary of a female writer who experienced the history and charm

A deep respect for the beautiful history of Wakayama Prefecture

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Historical Background of Wakayama Prefecture

Having traveled to all 47 prefectures of Japan, I have a special interest in the deep history and charm of Wakayama Prefecture. Wakayama Prefecture is the site of many important events in Japanese history. Wakayama Prefecture, which has a long history that dates back to the Heian period, is said to be the cradle of a culture that loved waka poetry, as its name suggests.

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Meeting locals

What moved me the most during my trip to Wakayama Prefecture was the love and pride I felt for the history of the area as I interacted with the locals. I met a local grandmother at Cafe Tabishin, a long-established coffee shop in Wakayama City. She enthusiastically told me about the history of Wakayama. Her story made me realize just how much historical events and the existence of old buildings in Wakayama have influenced the culture and lifestyle of Wakayama today.

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Deep dive into Wakayama Castle and its history

Wakayama Castle was one of the highlights of my trip. This castle was built during the Sengoku period by order of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and still maintains its magnificent appearance. I was fascinated by the view from the castle tower of Wakayama Castle. The view of Wakayama City from there was a beautiful fusion of history and modernity, and I was moved by its depth.

The achievements of Wakayama Prefecture’s tourism industry are also noteworthy. According to recent data, Wakayama Prefecture is rapidly gaining popularity as a tourist destination in Japan. For example, the number of tourists in 2019 increased by 10% year-on-year, and many of them are said to have been drawn to Wakayama’s historic charm.

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Wakayama’s natural charms and my recommended sightseeing spots

Scenic coastline: Shirahama and Kushimoto

When you visit Wakayama Prefecture, the first thing that will surprise you is its beautiful coastline. When I visited Shirahama, I was impressed by the vast white sand beach and the clear blue sea. Shirahama is also famous for “Adventure World” and is known for meeting pandas, but the beauty of its natural environment should also be noted.

On the other hand, Kushimoto is famous as a diving spot. I also tried it, but the experience of being surrounded by the scenery in the sea, colorful fish and coral became a lifetime memory.

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Kumano Kodo: Where History and Nature Intersect

Another attraction of Wakayama Prefecture is the Kumano Kodo. This is an ancient pilgrimage route that is still known today as a place where many people walk. I also walked this ancient road, and this place where the weight of history and the beauty of nature intersect is a special spot where you can feel the culture and spirit of Japan.

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Unexplored area, Nachi Falls: Wakayama’s power spot

There are many waterfalls in Wakayama Prefecture, but Nachi Falls is known for its size and beauty. When I stood in front of this waterfall, I was overwhelmed by its power. According to locals, this waterfall has long been known as a power spot, and many people come here to feel the energy.

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Exploring the tastes of Wakayama Prefecture – The charm of gourmet food and souvenirs

Blessings of the Kinokawa River: Eel and Kishu Nanko plum

Wakayama Prefecture is surrounded by the Kino River basin, and there are many foodstuffs that benefit from the blessings of this clear stream. In particular, when I visited Wakayama, I was moved by the deliciousness of the eel. Eel from the Kishu region is characterized by its meaty and juicy texture. The kabayaki I received at the long-established local Kinokawa Eel Restaurant had an unforgettable taste, with the flavor of the sauce and the umami of the eel intertwining exquisitely.

Also, speaking of Wakayama Prefecture, Kishu Nankoume cannot be missed. This ume is a brand ume produced in Wakayama Prefecture, which boasts the largest production volume in Japan. Plums can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, including pickled plums, plum wine, and plum syrup, and we recommend taking them home as souvenirs.

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Cafe culture away from the hustle and bustle of the city

Wakayama Prefecture has a unique cafe culture. In particular, the seaside area is dotted with cafes where you can enjoy coffee and sweets while admiring the spectacular scenery. When I visited Umibe no Café Kimi, I was healed by the view of the sea from the window and by the handmade Japanese-style sweets. The menu makes use of local ingredients unique to Wakayama Prefecture, and there are many unique dishes that you won’t find anywhere else, so it’s perfect for relaxing while enjoying the food culture.

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How to Choose Souvenirs: Items That Recreate Local Flavors

If you can’t decide which souvenir to buy from Wakayama Prefecture, you can’t go wrong with choosing local ingredients and traditional crafts. At the Wakayama Craft Market, I found pottery and woodwork made by local craftsmen. In addition, the Kino Aji Market in Wakayama City stocks local ingredients and seasonings, allowing you to recreate the taste of Wakayama at home.


Wakayama Prefecture has a deep appeal not only for its history and natural charm, but also for its food culture and local crafts. When you visit this place, you can enrich your memories of your trip by taking home the tastes, feelings, and charm as souvenirs. This trip was an irreplaceable experience for me as I learned about the deep charm of Wakayama Prefecture. Please visit this beautiful prefecture and experience its charm with your five senses.

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Historical buildings selected by Kasumi

Wakayama Prefecture is known for having many historical buildings. In particular, the buildings that are steeped in culture and history are worth visiting. This time, I, Kasumi, would like to introduce five historical buildings that I particularly recommend. We will add “Kasumi Points” to each and explain what kind of charm they have.

Wakayama Castle (Wakayama City)

Kasumi points:

Wakayama Castle, located in the center of Wakayama City, is known as a castle that retains the atmosphere of the Sengoku period. The view from the castle tower is spectacular, and you can enjoy the scenery of each season.

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Negoroji Temple (Iwade City)

Kasumi points:

Negoroji Temple, known as the religious center of the Kii Peninsula, is a temple with a solemn atmosphere. Historic buildings and sculptures give you a sense of traditional Japanese techniques.

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Kumano Hayatama Grand Shrine (Tanabe City)

Kasumi points:

Kumano Hayatama Taisha Shrine, known as one of the three Kumano Sanzan shrines, is visited by many people as a place of pilgrimage since ancient times. The shrine’s majestic atmosphere and ancient beliefs are well worth a visit.

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Arita Castle Ruins (Arita City)

Kasumi points:

The Arita Castle ruins have many remains that testify to the intensity of battles during the Sengoku period. In particular, the construction of the stone walls and earthworks gives a sense of the high level of architectural technology of the time.

Kumano Nachi Taisha Shrine (Nachikatsuura Town)

Kasumi points:

Kumano Nachi Taisha, located right next to Nachi Falls, is a sacred place where nature and history merge. You can feel the power of Nachi Falls from the grounds, and visiting the shrine with that view is a special experience.

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These historical buildings are the perfect place to experience Wakayama Prefecture’s deep history and culture. Please visit these spots and feel the depth of their history.
