かすみ | Kasumi

Japan's 40 solar terms

A Journey to Explore the Origins and History of Daikan (Major Cold) | Approaching the Last Seasonal Division of the Seventy-two Pentads and Twenty-four Solar Terms

Travel writer Kasumi embarks on a journey to explore the origins, history, and modern customs of Daikan (Major Cold). As the last of the twenty-four solar terms, Daikan marks a seasonal turning point where the arrival of spring can be felt amidst the severe cold. From Hokkaido's drift ice, Aomori's komise (snow huts), to Yamagata's "Japan's Coldest" signboard, Kasumi learns about the wisdom of our ancestors and the strength of people living in modern times through the unique customs that remain in each region during Daikan. Join us on this journey to experience the depth of Japanese culture and customs while cherishing the changing of the seasons.

大寒(だいかん)の由来と歴史を探る旅│四十節気最後の節目に迫る 二十四節気七十二候

Japan's 40 solar terms

What is Shokan? A Traveling Writer Explains the Customs, Meanings, and Regional Characteristics of the Forty-Eight Seasonal Terms! Twenty-Four Solar Terms and Seventy-Two Pentads

Introducing the origin, significance, regional customs, modern ways of spending time, and the appeal of traveling during Shokan, from the perspective of a traveling writer. Describing the charm of Shokan, which allows you to feel beauty and warmth even in the midst of severe cold, with episodes. Full of hints for spending a rich and fulfilling Shokan season.

小寒とは?四十節気の風習や意味、各地の特徴を旅するライターが解説! 二十四節気七十二候

Japan's 40 solar terms

Exploring the Traditions and Charms of Japan’s Winter Solstice! Detailed explanations from origins to modern ways of enjoyment. The 24 Solar Terms and the 72 Seasonal Divisions are also discussed.

Explaining the customs and history of the Winter Solstice region by region. Packed with tips for experiencing special moments with family and friends while learning about traditions nationwide in Japan. Recommended for those interested in Japanese culture and those looking to enjoy events with family. Let's deepen our understanding of Japan's Winter Solstice and experience its rich culture!

日本の冬至の風習とその魅力を深堀り!由来から現代の楽しみ方まで詳しく解説 二十四節気七十二候

Japan's 40 solar terms

Rediscover the Charm of Heavy Snow! A Journey Through Japanese Customs and History Unraveled from the Twenty-Four Solar Terms and Seventy-Two Pentads

This page explains the unique customs and events specific to times of heavy snowfall in various regions of Japan through "Kasumi Points." From Hokkaido's Snow Festival to the way winter is spent in Okinawa, it introduces the charm of winter in each area. Aimed at those who want to deeply understand winter in Japan, including travel enthusiasts and those interested in culture, reading this page provides the benefit of gaining an understanding of Japan's rich winter culture and the distinctive features of each region, offering inspiration for future travel plans.

大雪の魅力を再発見!四十節気から紐解く日本の風習と歴史の旅 二十四節気七十二候

Japan's 40 solar terms

Japanese traditions and customs flourishing in the season of Minor Snow: A journey through the 40 solar terms. Twenty-four Solar Terms and Seventy-two Pentads

This page focuses on the season of Minor Snow, introducing the unique landscapes and culture of various regions in Japan through "Kasumi Points." It is intended for travelers and those interested in the four seasons of Japan, offering discoveries from the snowy scenes of Hokkaido to traditional events in Kyoto, the historic villages of Shirakawa-go in Gifu, and the frost-covered trees of Zao in Yamagata during the Minor Snow period. By reading this page, you can gain a deeper understanding of the beauty of Minor Snow and the charm of Japanese winter, providing inspiration for your next travel plans.

小雪の時季に咲く日本の伝統と風習: 四十節気を巡る旅 二十四節気七十二候
