Japan's 40 solar terms

Diving Deep into the Charm of Ritto (Start of Winter)! A Female Travel Writer Explains the History, Customs, and Regional Differences

This page delves into how the season of Ritto (Start of Winter) varies across different regions in Japan. From the snowy landscapes of Hokkaido to the autumn leaves in Kyoto, and the warm climate of Okinawa, it introduces the unique characteristics of each area as 'Kasumi Points'. Aimed at those interested in Japan's seasons and regional culture, reading this provides an understanding of Japan's rich natural beauty and diverse traditional culture, deepening the appreciation of the seasonal changes.

立冬の魅力を深堀り!歴史、風習、地域の違いを女性旅行ライターが解説 二十四節気七十二候

Japan's 40 solar terms

Scenic Poetry of Post-Shimofuri: A Journey Through Japan’s Forty Seasonal Divisions – Blending Tradition and Modernity

This page, themed around 'Shimofuri', is perfect for those interested in Japanese traditional culture and travelers. From the first snow in Hokkaido to the Niiname-sai festival in Kyoto, it intricately introduces the seasonal customs of each prefecture. Reading this article will deepen your understanding of Japan's cultural diversity and rich traditions, while providing valuable knowledge for planning your travels.

霜降り明けの風物詩:日本の四十節気を巡る旅 – 伝統と現代の融合 二十四節気七十二候

Japan's 40 solar terms

Experience the Charm of Kanro Through Nationwide Travel! The Forty Seasonal Divisions and the Beauty of Japan

This page focuses on the traditional Japanese culture of 'Kanro', introducing beautiful landscapes and customs related to Kanro from across Japan, ranging from the first snow in Hokkaido to the autumn leaves in Kyoto, and the tea culture in Shizuoka. It is ideal for those interested in Japan's four seasons and regional cultures, offering deep insights into the rich nature and cultural diversity of Japan, and providing inspiration for planning your next trip.

寒露の魅力を全国旅行で体感!四十節気と日本の美しさ 二十四節気七十二候

Japan's 40 solar terms

Discover the Charm of the Autumn Equinox! The Deep History and Meaning of Japan’s Forty Seasonal Divisions and Regional Customs.

This page delves deeply into the traditions and contemporary meanings of Japan's Autumn Equinox Day. From Nara's Mandala Offerings to family meals in Kyushu, it introduces unique customs from various regions. Ideal for those interested in culture and eager to learn about Japanese traditions. Reading this article offers an understanding of Japan's rich cultural heritage and regional diversity, providing deep insights.

秋分の魅力を発見!日本の四十節気と地域風習の深い歴史と意味 二十四節気七十二候

Japan's 40 solar terms

The Charm of Hakuro: A Journey through Japan’s Forty Seasonal Divisions

Introducing the charm of Hakuro (white dew) from across Japan. Explore the harvest scenery in Hokkaido, traditional events in Iwate, the natural beauty of Nagano, the onset of autumn in Kyoto's Arashiyama, and the extended summer in Okinawa. Aimed at season enthusiasts and travel lovers, experience the unique landscapes and cultures of white dew in different regions. Discover the diverse beauty of Japan through the changing seasons and gain inspiration for your travels.

白露(はくろ)の魅力:日本の四十節気を巡る旅 二十四節気七十二候
